By Susan Edwards
Change is Coming
The night her family came under attack changed Kangee forever. Weeks later, her mother is still missing and is feared dead--until in dreams Kangee connects with her mother and learns that her mother is trapped with an evil spirit named Ardong. Kangee is a SpiritWalker, but one without many of the gifts and talents of her people yet she is the one chosen to save her mother. How can she, a foolish daydreamer, possibly save her mother?
She turns to a young shaman for help.
Night Warrior refuses to accept his calling as Shaman. He is a DreamWalker who knows the danger of wielding too much power. Ambushed and left for dead, Night Warrior would have died had it not been for the SpiritWalker who saved his life and in doing so, has given him the same abilities. Now wields more power than he'd ever imagined. When dreams connect him to Kangee he can no longer fight his destiny.
But Evil lurks in the shadows, just a dream away. Night Warrior and Kangee embark on a dangerous quest filled with love, passion, fear and hope. Can they find the courage to defeat Ardong, free Kangee’s mother and accept their place in the world as The Choosen? Could the answers lie in their dreams?
Autumn Dreams will take you into a world filled with beauty and darkness and a love that goes beyond this world.
Read an excerpt:
Kangee’s features turned grim. The look in her eyes was one that her family recognized as a warning to tread carefully. Kangee focused on the edge of the roof and the layer of pine needles that the wind had yet to sweep away. Silently, she called upon the breath of Wind to brush the needles into a neat pile then waited.
When Tatonga stepped out with a bowl of water cupped in her hands, Kangee shifted her hands in her lap and with a tiny, short jerk, the pine needles took to the air, lifted by a sudden, concentrated gust of wind. The dry needles hung as though suspended then fell right on top of the woman.
Startled, Tatonga jumped back, dropped her bowl of water and fell, landing on her backside. The bowl hit the dusty ground and sent into the air a small wave of cold water that with a bit of help from Kangee ended up splashing Night Warrior.
Night Warrior jerked and gave a low hiss of pain. Kangee hid her satisfied smile.
“Not nice, Little Sister.” A thread of humor laced Blaze’s rebuke.
Kangee shrugged. Petty of her, she knew, careful to avoid her father and grandmother’s gazes. Beside Blaze, Bright Star chuckled and leaned closer. “Clever. Very clever,” she whispered.
Kangee’s lips twitched. That small act of rebellion went a long way to easing the tightness in her heart.

SUSAN EDWARDS resides in California with her husband of thirty + years. She love animals and has five cats include a pair of two-year-old kittens (they are her babies) as well as two adorable Chiweenie pups named JJ and Abbey. The four youngsters in the pet department make her smile, laugh and sometimes groan each and every day. Recently, she got temporary (ha!) custody of Shasta, her daughter’s three year old, Great Pyrenees.
Susan also enjoys crafts of all sorts including quilting, sewing, cross-stitch and knitting. Knitting and crochet are her current passions. She is also an avid gardener. Through her love of all things Native American, she designed a 26-foot Medicine Wheel Garden. It’s a big project but one that she loves, except when the weeds threaten. Right now, it’s uncertain who is winning this war!
You can follow her progress on her website. Camping, fishing, biking and hiking (when not hot) are other outdoor pursuits she and her husband enjoy.
She is of course, an avid reader and hates cooking and housework. While writing, she listens to a wide variety of music, including Neil Diamond, Celtic, Native American, New Age, Classical, and mood music (bagpipes and howling wolves drive my family nuts). Her current favorites are Blackmore’s Night and David Lanz.