Sunday, December 9, 2018

Days of Fantasy for Christmas: Belle Malory

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Today's day of fantasy is a young adult sci-fi fantasy from Belle Malory. She has chosen to discuss the elements from an astrological standpoint with us. I'm a Cancer, a water sign, and my description is dead-on accurate. What sign are you? Best of luck entering the giveaway!

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Belle Malory for
Days of Fantasy for Christmas

The Twelfth Keeper

(Twelfth Keeper #1)
By Belle Malory
YA SciFi, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 292 Pages
January 21, 2013

When sixteen-year-old Kennedy Mitchell is proclaimed the world’s last keeper, she thinks it’s a cruel joke. She’s no warrior. She isn’t wise beyond her years, or more importantly, capable of keeping Earth safe. one will listen. Since all evidence says otherwise, the job is hers whether she likes it or not.

During the highly demanding training regime that follows, Kennedy struggles to fit in with Earth’s renowned protectors. Especially Phoenix Jorgensen, who openly despises her. Problem is, he may be the only one she can trust. The keepers have big secrets surrounding them. Secrets Kennedy isn’t comfortable knowing, much less being apart of. With Phoenix’s help, she’ll have to find a way out.

Either that or die trying.

Guest Post: Astrological Elements

Hello Friends!

In the spirit of my upcoming release, Electric Skies, I wanted to do a fun post about the different elements and their meanings astrologically. Take a look at your own sign's element and see if it matches your personality.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Fire can keep you warm, or it can be explosive. These people tend to be energetic, passionate, and vibrant. Just like Phoenix, these signs can burn out quickly, but rise again from their own ashes. Nurture them, kindle their flames, and they will shine through the darkest of nights.

The Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Earth is the foundation for everything. Loyal, kind, and practical, Earth signs are naturally grounded people. They win the race by going slow and steady, the "builders" of the zodiac. And of course, the most connected with Mother Nature.

The Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air signs are made up of mental energy. Quick-witted and intelligent, they are like a breath of fresh air. Their curiosity is boundless and they will bounce ideas around like the breeze. Their downfall is the tendency to intellectualize their emotions.

The Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Emotional, sensitive, and otherworldly, water signs are as deeply mysterious as the ocean. Much like Kennedy, these signs often have intense dreams and psychic intuition.

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

I don't consider myself a writer. I'm a storyteller. I live in Orlando, FL with my family. Keep up with me on social media. I love hearing from readers!

Tour Schedule
(Links won't work until the posts go live.)

December 1st: Launch
December 2nd: Gillian Bronte Adams - The Songkeeper Chronicles
December 3rd: Morgan L. Busse - Mark of the Raven
December 4thEvangeline Denmark - Curio
December 5th: Kate Avery Ellison - A Gift of Poison
December 6th: J.M. Hackman - Spark
December 7th: Ronie Kendig - Embers
December 8th: C.E. Laureano - Oath of the Brotherhood
December 9th: Belle Malory - The Twelfth Keeper
December 10th: Melissa McShane - Voyager of the Crown
December 11th: J. Ellen Ross - The Remembered Queen
December 12th: Jennifer Silverwood - Silver Hollow
December 13th: Melissa Wright - Blood & Brute & Ginger Root
December 14th: Morgan Wylie - The Age of Alandria Series
December 15th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

Grand Prize #1: Winner will receive a FIRE HD 8 TABLET along with the following ebooks (open to those who are eligible for the Fire Tablet in their area can receive Kindle gifted copies of ebooks):
- CURIO, MARK OF BLOOD and ALCHEMY (The Curio Prequel), and THE ICE CHILD (a holiday novelette) by Evangeline Denmark
- A GIFT OF POISON by Kate Avery Ellison
- THE TWELFTH KEEPER by Belle Malory
- SERVANT O THE CROWN or VOYAGER OF THE CROWN (winner's choice) by Melissa McShane
- SILVER HOLLOW by Jennifer Silverwood
- THE FREY SAGA (Books 1-3) ebook box set by Melissa Wright

Grand Prize #2: Winner will receive the following print books (open to continental US residents):
- ORPHAN'S SONG by Gillian Bronte Adams
- MARK OF THE RAVEN by Morgan L. Busse
- SPARK by J.M. Hackman
- ABIASSA'S FIRE 3-book collection by Ronie Kendig
- The complete set of SONG OF SEARE TRILOGY by C.E. Laureano
- SILENT ORCHIDS by Morgan Wylie

Ends December 19, 2018

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