Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Review of Kill Me Next Week by Christie Silvers

Kill Me Next Week is the second book in the Liz Baker series by author Christie Silvers. In this installment, Liz takes her hottie bar bouncer Chad with her to Atlanta, to collect her inheritance. Rick, her ex-sort-of-boyfriend whom she used to bang in the cemetery prior to being caught up in the vampire mess, isn't happy that she has left him behind for this trip. Liz is still reeling from the news that she is a Dhampiresa and the fact that she had killed her ex-vampire lover. He still creeps into her thoughts when she least expects it.

Jim, the estate lawyer, takes Liz and Chad to her new inheritance. There, she meets an interesting staff who run the place for her. Randall is a butler with a bad attitude. Identical twins are her maids. Hamish McIntosh is her plump Scottish chef who makes the best meals in the world. Only they aren't really what they seem.

A mystery package arrives, holding a pendant whose magical powers cause Liz and Chad to rush into what they've been fighting against doing. (And fulfills the fantasies of many readers who "met" Chad in the first book!) It was sent to her by Cole McIntosh, who is literally Hamish's other half. Cole needs Liz to have that pendant, supposedly for good, but actually to fulfill some of his evil plans, including being reunited with his better half. Liz is going to need some help to protect herself and essentially the world!

This second installment in the Liz Baker series was another quick and easy read for me. It flowed quite differently than the first book. It felt like it had a lot more background information being given in it. That makes it slightly less enjoyable than the first book, but at the same time a necessary read in order to continue the series. This book also has a much more fictional and supernatural feel to it than the first one. This is again a part of how the series is developing. It does not detract from the experience at all.

Scenes between Liz and Chad continue to be quite steamy, almost more so than anything she ever experienced with Marcus.

Liz continues to be a headstrong, independent woman, but she is softening as she continues to learn more about herself. She also realizes that she needs the help of others in her life and is more willing to accept it. I like her even better this time around.

When Kill Me Next Week ends, it is clear that another story is waiting to come along. Liz still has more to do for herself, for her family and for her friends. I can't wait to read the next installment!

I received a free ebook from the author, Christie Silvers, in exchange for my honest review.

Kill Me Next Week is also available for Kindle. Download your copy here.

Enter this giveaway (starting on June 1st) to win all three books in the Liz Baker series! First place wins them all in print. 2nd and 3rd place win e-book copies.

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1 comment:

  1. You've won a Kreativ Blogger Award


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