Monday, June 22, 2015

Review of 'A Bodyguard to Remember (Men in Uniform Series)' by Alison Bruce

A Bodyguard to Remember

by Alison Bruce



Prudence Hartley has the usual single mom problems: getting her kids to school on time; juggling a gazillion errands while trying to get a full day’s work done; oh, and don’t forget about dinner.

 But Pru’s problems become a tad more complicated and a lot more dangerous when she finds a dead man in her house. Or a dead spy to be exact. Suddenly, a federal agent named David Merrick shows up and whisks her and her kids into protective custody. Pru has so many questions spinning through her brain she doesn’t know where to begin. How is she going to keep her kids safe? What was the dead spy looking for in her house? Why are the spies after her? Oh, and there’s one more question . . . just a pesky, minor thing. Why does Merrick have to be so damn sexy and protective?

Read an excerpt:
It started with a dead body on my living room floor.

I had just picked up the twins from their father. While they took the recycling bins from the porch to the curb, I unlocked the front door, which led directly into the living room. I turned on the overhead light as I passed the switch, froze, and then pressed my hand over my mouth to stop a scream. Since the man in the middle of the floor could hardly be alive with a gaping hole in the back of his head, I didn't feel obliged to check on him. Holding my breath, I backed out of the house and called my ex to come take the kids back.

Then I called 9-1-1. 

“Hold on Boone.” I hooked his sister by her arm and guided them toward the car.
“This is Prudence Hartley at 13 Wildwood Crescent in Guelph. I need the police.”

“Mom?” It was Hope this time, trying to pull away and look through our front window.

“Back to the car,” I hissed. “I was speaking to my kids, officer . . . yes, this is an emergency. There’s a strange man in my house. He’s dead.”

**My thoughts**

I loved this book. It started out with a bang as Prudence finds a dead body on her floor when she comes home with her twins. As the case unfolds, it appears that someone is quite possibly after her. There is plenty of suspense as Merrick thrusts her and her family into protective custody and all of the twists and turns emerge. Whom can Prudence really trust? I went through all kinds of theories and speculation as to the perpetrator and the why. 

There is also plenty of suspense about Merrick and Prudence. The chemistry between them is undeniable, but both are pretty well committed to staying single for their own reasons. Prudence is definitely more open to it all, but there is that issue of someone trying to kill her. Plus the interference from the crazy neighbor and other family members.

Each character is amusing in his or her own way. Prudence has a fantastic sense of humor and is quite witty. Merrick has his own great sense of humor in life, plus that lovely strong protective side. Different parts of the story will make you laugh out loud. Family dynamics may be familiar. The storyline is unique enough that it stands out from other similar ideas. I was completely engrossed in it for a couple of evenings as I worked through it. At times, particularly toward the end, I felt like some parts were a little rushed, but it was still a great read. I want to read more!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Alison Bruce has an honors degree in history and philosophy, which has nothing to do with any regular job she's held since. A liberal arts education did prepare her to be a writer, however. She penned her first novel during lectures while pretending to take notes.

Alison writes mysteries, romantic suspense and historical western romance. Her protagonists are marked by their strength of character, the ability to adapt (sooner or later) to new situations and to learn from adversity.

Copywriter and editor since 1992, Alison has also been a comic book store manager, small press publisher and web designer. In addition to writing, she is the Publication Manager of Crime Writers of Canada, Arthur Ellis Awards Administrator, and part-time tech guru to the technologically challenged.

Alison Bruce has had many careers and writing has always been one of them. Copywriter, editor and graphic designer since 1992, Alison has also been a comic store manager, small press publisher, webmaster and arithmetically challenged bookkeeper. She is the author of mystery, romantic suspense and historical western romance novels.

Links & Stuff or



Twitter: @alisonebruce




Professional Affiliations

Crime Writers of Canada

Bio Page:

Alison’s mystery and suspense novels are listed in the CWC online catalogue.

Alison will be awarding 2 of her eBooks. Choice of: A Bodyguard to Remember (romantic suspense),Deadly Legacy (mystery) Under A Texas Star(historical western romance),Hazardous Unions (historical romance)or Rawhide and Roses (an anthology with other authors) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Follow along for more chances to win!


  1. A helpful review. Beginnings are so important.

    1. I agree, Mary. This is one of my best so far. It's only trumped by Hazardous Unions, which is used in a writing class because it's such a good opening.

  2. Do you think that the cover plays an important part in the buying process?

    1. Absolutely, Mai, especially if the buyer doesn't know the author yet. If I don't know an author, the first thing that's going to attract me to their book is the cover, followed shortly by the title. Since I also work in marketing, I could wax poetic on the subject. But my alarm is telling me I have to move or I'll be late.

  3. Thank you for hosting me today. I'm so happy to hear I kept you guessing.


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