Monday, December 13, 2021

The Sin & Penalty by Kent Baxter

Sin & Penalty is the simplified version of the popular novel Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel 'Crime and Punishment' is a classic work of literature (11 November 1821-9th February 1881) He was an author, philosopher, novelist, short story writer, and journalist, among other talents. The Idiot, Demons, and The Brothers Karamazov are among his other works. A total of 12 books, 4 novellas, and 16 short stories were produced by him.

The story focuses on Rodion Raskolnikov's mental anguish. He was a student in the field of law. He acted like a narcissistic slut. In every way, I'm different from everyone else. He intends to rob money in order to become a wealthy man and to remove the stigma of being a poor person. The money he has will allow him to accomplish great things. That one lady was murdered for money. Because he thinks he'll get out of poverty, he's optimistic. 

Later on, however, he is haunted by the same sense of guilt. Aside from murdering the lady, he also shoots and kills her half-sister, who happened to be walking by at the time. However, he only takes a few things, including a small purse. If he's lucky, he'll make it out of there unscathed. 

Incredulous, the next day he discovers that he has been summoned to appear before the police in connection with an unpaid rent notice from his landlady. The police show up and start looking into the murder as well. This causes him to pass out. Rezumikhin, a friend of his, was ill and he stepped in to help. His mother and sister are waiting for him when he returns home. 

The plot progresses in an interesting manner, with many ups and downs. The story revolves around Rasholnikov's struggle with his feelings of guilt as a result of his involvement in the murder. The plot appears to be based on Rasholnikov's psychoanalytical study of guilt.

Available around the world on Amazon:

I was compensated via Fiverr for sharing this post. I only share those books that I feel will be of interest to my readers.

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