Saturday, March 14, 2015

Review of 'Haunted Love' by Jessica Frances

Paranormal Romance
Date Published: February 23, 2015


My name is Thea Bell and I was murdered.

I always assumed that death was the end. So when my life was cruelly taken away from me, I never thought I would get a second chance to say what I needed to.

But then I was given a choice, a choice that allowed me to see the people I had left behind, and I knew I had to take it.

I wanted to say a proper goodbye. I needed justice for what happened to me.

But even in death, things rarely go to plan.

I never expected to meet him. I didn't anticipate falling in love. I hadn't considered the repercussions of coming back. I never realized I would put another person in danger.

I didn't know my actions were going to haunt us forever.

My name is Detective Aiden Mercer, and I think I have gone insane.

I am seeing the murder victim of my current case alive and in the flesh, and that is simply not possible.

I can see her, hear her, touch her. She’s real to me, however I know this cannot be real. Right?

But try telling my heart that, because as I grow closer to catching Thea’s killer, I also fall deeper into trouble.

Because love is rarely anything but trouble and I know this love will haunt me forever.

Read an excerpt:
I leave Aiden scanning over the boxes, moving back through my house and taking time to look over the photos I have hanging up. It’s strange how I had them along my walls, in my eye line for years yet never took the time to look at them. I used the photos as decoration instead of a reminder of the good times I shared with friends and family as well as the few amazing places I got to visit.

I take my time now, smiling at the memories sparked of Flynn, laughing at the reminders of the fun times we shared and yearning for the places I will never get to visit. I had a list of countries and activities I wanted to do for my summer vacation. I wanted to take at least one trip every summer and slowly work away at the list. Now I’ll never get to see any of those places, never have the chance to skydive in New Zealand, eat gelato in Italy, or go skiing in Switzerland. The most exciting thing I managed is a school field trip to New Orleans where we toured the main tourist destinations, and I ate beignets and gumbo.

I shake my head, slowly moving through the lower level of my house, checking over the mess made from the forensics people who appear to have coated every surface looking for foreign fingerprints. I don’t find anything suspicious here or out of place. There is nothing I can see that is missing, and nothing screams to me that there is a clue here. While I’m disheartened to still have nothing to give Aiden to go on, I stare up my staircase, knowing I will need to check up there, too.

With each step, my legs grow heavier. Soon, I’m dragging my feet. I purposely check every other room, leaving my bedroom for last. I’m dreading what will happen when I glance back inside that room. I feel ill as I approach the still ajar door.

I know I need to get this over with. I might remember something about the murderer in there. If anything is going to be amiss that might help us figure out who my killer is, it will be in my bedroom.

But how am I supposed to enter the room where I lost my life?

The room where I was beaten and violated?

Even if it means catching my killer, can I face what I might see in there? Do I really want that memory etched into my brain? Isn’t already having a good idea what I went through bad enough?

Then again, what if he is out there right now, terrorizing other women? What if my reluctance to walk into this room means another person will lose their life?

I take a deep breath, my hand reaching out to push the door open.

“You don’t have to go in there,” Aiden tells me.

I glance over my shoulder, seeing both worry and fury in his eyes. “I do.” I sound more sure then I feel, but I force my feet forward. Within two steps, I am standing inside my bedroom.

**My thoughts**

This was a different kind of love story for me. I have read stories where a ghost falls in love with an earthly being, or pines after someone left behind. Perhaps the lovers are able to interact on a spiritual level. I have never read one where the ghost is almost a human, but only to one particular person. It definitely adds a difficult dimension to the story. I wasn't sure how I wanted them to be able to resolve it, and imagined several different endings. 

I also enjoyed how a murder mystery was thrust into the middle of it. I am a big fan of mysteries, and those that can also include some romance are even better. So, this was a book that spanned genres and was entertaining on many levels.

I really felt for the families left behind and found my own heart breaking for Flynn, her brother. I can't imagine sustaining all of that loss at such a young age. I enjoyed watching his growth and how close all of the characters were able to become. I especially liked Aiden's grandmother. She is spunky and quirky, just the way I like them.

I always find it interesting to see how different authors perceive the afterlife. It makes me think about what could have happened to my loved ones in the past and allows me to ponder my own ideas. 

I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to more offerings from the author.

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About Jessica Frances

Jessica Frances was born and raised in South Australia, quite possibly born with a book in her hand already. An avid reader her whole life, a pen finally appeared in her hand and she began her journey writing her own stories. The voices in her head have not slowed down and hopefully they never will.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for signing up for the review tour and for your very kind review!


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