Please welcome author Nicole Andrews Moore to the blog today. She lets us get to know her and her book 'Hiding Out.'
What was the inspiration behind this book?
I like to play the ‘what if’ game when I’m thinking up book ideas. This time, I thought…what is the worst thing that can happen to a woman? What if she had no one to help her? What if she was truly alone in the world, but not by choice? What if her love interest was a man who was alone in the world, but didn’t have to be? How can two damaged people help each other recover?
Which character was the most fun to write?
Adam. I loved writing Adam. That’s why he gets his own book in May: Finally Found. Here’s a guy with every advantage who just kind of floats through life. It’s all one giant party for him, until he is forced to slow down.
Which scene is your favorite?
I love the scene where Sam comes to Haley’s apartment, stands outside the door and says, “Olly olly oxen free.” They both have this vulnerability, but in different ways and for different reasons.
Do you have any other projects in the works?
Tons. Ready? I am publishing Stormy Surrender, Book 1 of the New Hope Series at the beginning of April. Finally Found, the sequel to Hiding Out, is being published the beginning of May. I’m writing a paranormal romance with Melissa Brodsky: Dark Redemption Series. Book 1, Dark Dawn will be out at the beginning of June. I promised a trilogy when I published First a Dream, so Second Chances should be coming out summer of 2013. Another author and I have talked about multiple projects and we’ll squeeze those in somewhere between our busy schedules. It’s so exciting that I just keep writing.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have ever received?
JB McGee is my mentor. She always reminds me to keep writing. Writing and marketing are the lifeblood of this business, but it is so easy to get sucked into marketing full time.
It's always fun to "meet" a fellow contributor to the Yahoo! family of sites. For which sites do you write? How does writing for those sites compare to writing your novels (beyond the obvious fiction vs. nonfiction aspect)?
Well, I started out as a member of the Yahoo! Mother Board. It was very prestigious. Then when they created YourWisdom, I was hired to be the relationship and dating expert. From there, they moved me to Shine as the relationship and dating expert. And then I was hired to be a Shine Parenting Guru. The funny thing is that I find the change in styles keeps it interesting. I had a literary agent who suggested I start a blog so I could prove I had an audience, and that’s where it all began. So, I still maintain my blog. My husband worries that I put too much of our lives out there. He’s very private, but I’ve broken him down over the last four years. I have published two books about our life. The first was Live the List about a project we did as a family that changed everything. And the other was the story of our daughter, Kenna. She’s the fourth smallest surviving preemie, born weighing all of 9.6 ounces. She was in the NICU for 183 and I documented that experience and published it.
You're trying to visit all of the Margaritavilles. What is the appeal of doing this? Which ones have you enjoyed thus far and where is still left?
I am a beach girl. I thrive on sunshine and sea water. When Sam and I were dating, we took a cruise from Miami to Key West and Cozumel, Mexico. So, Cozumel was our first Margaritaville. Our second one was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We live in Charlotte, so we’ve been there numerous times. Most of them are in Caribbean destinations, which is a big part of the draw. And they are fun, have great food, and really make a serious margarita. Really, we are all about the shared memories and quality time. Margaritaville is about slowing down. I embrace that…even if I can’t always live it.
What other fun things are still on your bucket list?
Keep in mind…my bucket list is much different from Sam’s. He mentioned we should take up skydiving the other day. And I thought it was a great idea. I offered to be the one waiting to pick him up in a field. All of him. Every piece. For me…I love to travel. My big dream is to live on a boat in Florida and cruise part time. Blue water. I want to go to Costa Rica. I’d love to see turtles hatching. I want to take Sam on a whale watch. I did one in Cape Cod…incredible. I’d love to visit all of Hawaii, never go to Alaska, and see all of the continental US while traveling in an RV.
What is something readers may be surprised to learn about you?
I’m short. No, I am really short. I’m five feet nothing and I’m only going to go the other direction. I doubt I get enough calcium since I’ve cut back on my ice cream intake. And I’ve discovered over the years that there are very few things in life that can’t be made better with chocolate and love.

Nicki has lived in Charlotte, North Carolina with her children for the past eleven years and her husband for the past three years. Her journey has barely begun and she loves every minute of it. Every day of her life seems to bring new adventures, some bigger, better, shinier and prettier than others. She's still getting used to that new life smell she's experiencing, a combination of hope, love, and happiness. (The perfect scents to build a new life on...)
For fun, she spends time with those she cares about, cooks, reads, writes, and especially lives to travel. The current travel goal: visit every Margaritaville. Two down! (Eleven to go?)
In addition to writing on Suddenly Single Journey, Nicki is a contributor for Project Underblog. Her writing can also be found on Shine, where she is a Shine Parenting Guru and an award winning Yahoo! Contributor on YourWisdom as the relationship and dating expert. And she has been published by McClatchy News in their syndicated papers.
Follow Nicole Andrews Moore
Blog: Suddenly *Not So* Single Journey
Twitter: @thenicknick
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Date Published: 3/13/13
Samuel Davenport runs his family's New York based advertising agency. His brother, Adam, runs from responsibility and anything remotely boring. And his temp, Haley, runs so she'll never be caught and hurt again. She moved to the city New Year's Day to hide and recover, to build a new life far from her past. In an effort to lie low, Haley never expects to be more than a temp. What begins for Sam as an excuse to get to know her better, ends up being an opportunity for advancement and excitement for Haley. When Sam tries to uncover all of Haley's mysteries, he exposes her hiding place, endangers her life, and threatens to destroy any chance of them ever having a future together.
Read an excerpt:
“Is that what you like?” The words had come out all wrong. What she really intended was to check for understanding. She should have said, ‘Would you like me to handle that?’ The minute the words escaped the safe but sensual confines of her lips, Haley Iverson cringed on the other end of the phone. What was it about that man that made her bungle her phrasing? She bit her lip while she awaited a response.
Samuel Davenport’s eye brows had arched instantly. Every time he spoke with his assistant, he was left feeling like a dissatisfied 1-900 caller. It was something in her voice, the sexy, yet professional way she spoke. Or maybe it was in the way he imagined her soft, full lips curving to form each word. It might be the way he pictured her sitting at her desk with her shapely legs crossed, exposing ample calf, slender ankle, and whichever open toed shoe she was sporting that day. He shook his head slightly to focus on the question at hand.
Is that what you like? He wrapped his mind around the question. “Oh, yes, Miss Iverson,” he said, his response immediately taking on a double meaning. He pushed the button to disconnect then, and leaned back in his leather chair, spent.
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