On Tour with Prism Book Tours

(Back to Bluestone River #2)
By Virginia McCullough
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pagesBy Virginia McCullough
Contemporary Romance
December 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Will working together
…lead to together forever?
Recently divorced, Parker Davis needs to focus on his new job so he can provide a stable home for his daughter in time for the Christmas holidays. The problem is, he’s frequently at odds with his boss. He and Emma O’Connell approach everything differently. Yet he finds her intriguing, and Bluestone River festivities keep pushing them together—often enough that two people at odds could find themselves evenly matched in love!
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**My thoughts**
I really liked the first book in this series, so I was happy to go back to Bluestone River. And I am so glad that Emma has the featured love story in this one! She really deserves it after going through such a rough time in her life.
Parker is a little rough around the edges, as he is newly divorced and is dealing with a moody teenager getting ready for college. Plus he is working on a project in a new town and trying to establish himself. And yet, he and Emma are good for each other.
I like that it is a slow burn kind of a relationship between the two of them, especially considering their frequent opposing viewpoints. Then again, the ones that start out at odds often lead to a more intense attachment, right? And I like having romances with "older people," (though we're not old at this age!) for a bit of a change. Add in all of the holiday feels and you have another winner in this series.
While it is the second book in the series, it does truly as a standalone novel. But if you haven't done so already, you'll want to go back and read A Family for Jason and spend more time with these characters in this small town.
Thank you to Prism Book Tours and the publisher for the advance review copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Other Books in the Series

(Back to Bluestone River #1)
By Virginia McCullough
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pagesBy Virginia McCullough
Contemporary Romance
August 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming
She’s not home for keeps
Unless he proves first love is forever
Bluestone River is a minefield of memories for Mike Abbot—all involving Ruby Driscoll. Twenty years after scandal divided them, they’re both back in their hometown. Ruby’s visit is strictly temporary. But as she uses her trauma expertise to help his vulnerable son, Mike faces what his heart has always known. Ruby’s still his one and only. This time, can he convince her to stay?
About the Author

Virginia’s books feature characters who could be your neighbors and friends. They come in all ages and struggle with everyday life issues in small-town environments that almost always include water—oceans, lakes, or rivers. The mother of two grown children, you’ll find Virginia with her nose a book, walking on trails or her neighborhood street, or she may be packing her bag to take off for her next adventure. And she’s always working on another story about hope, healing, and second chances.
Tour Schedule

- Open internationally for those who are eligible
Thanks so much for hosting me on my tour for A CHRISTMAS KISS!