When Nora attempts to follow, however, things grow more complicated. Someone is hunting her - someone tied to a secret that goes back to the beginning of man. Soon, Nora finds herself drawn to two men, each with his own agenda. Can she save them both when one is destined to die?
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Join us Tuesday June 25th from 7-9 EST for a night of fun with Sara Daltry! We have some fun games and prizes for you.
Bio: Sarah Daltry writes erotica and romance. She's been writing for most of her life, although only recently began sharing her work. Bitter Fruits is her second novel. Forget Me Not, a contemporary NA erotic romance, is her next major work to be released (date TBD).
Stalker links:
Website: http://sarahdaltry.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahDaltry
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarah.daltry
Facebook page for me: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Daltry-Erotica/467129926691852
Facebook page for the book: https://www.facebook.com/BitterFruits
Goodreads Profile: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7012679.Sarah_Daltry
tumblr: http://sarahdaltry.tumblr.com/
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sarahdaltry/

Brought to you by the Release Day Diva
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