Today, I am excited to have my friend Jessica Gibson back on the blog. Actually, Jilly and Caroline are taking over for a guest post. They're the main characters in Jessi's Boston Witches series, the latest of which is Chasing the Witch. Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for having me on your blog today
Andrea!!! Jilly and Caroline have decided to hijack the post today
and give you a top ten list. I hope you all enjoy it!
Top ten favorite tv shows of all
- Jilly~ Bones. I love this show, what’s not to love? We have some mystery, a love story or two, and some eye candy for the men and women, really, it has everything.
- Caroline~ The Vampire Diaries. I feel like I could just leave it at that and everyone would understand. But really, the storylines always keep me on the edge of my seat, love it. And.....Damon Salvatore.
- Jilly~ Mythbusters. William got me into this show, and now I’m addicted. They do so many cool sciency things on this show. I’m a sucker for blowing things up. Who knew?
- Caroline~ Grimm. I.LOVE. This. Show! It’s soooooo good. Patrick and I watch it together, and he tells me about the things that are real and what’s not.....
- Jilly~ Law and Order SVU. This one I enjoy, because when either William or Caroline watch it with me, I like to try and guess who the bad guy is right at the drives them nuts.
- Caroline~ True Blood. Vampires, Shifters, Faeries, oh my! Love this show. It always keeps me guessing. And there is no shortage of hotties to look at....although don't tell Patrick I said that.
- Jilly~ Say Yes to the Dress. What can I say, I’m a sucker for shows like this. I love all things wedding. The pretty dresses, the catty women, it’s hilarious and amazing all wrapped up into one show.
- Caroline~ Battlestar Galactica. I’m a nerd, there, I’ve said it. I started this show just after I moved in with Jilly, and was hooked immediately. I think I burned through all the seasons in like a month. Don’t judge me ;)
- Jilly~ Archer. If you haven’t seen this show yet, go and watch it now! It’s so hilariously inappropriate. I’ve seen all the seasons and I laugh everytime I watch it. It’s got secret agents, and humor....what’s not to love?
- Caroline~ Friends. I have all the seasons on DVD, and I watch them all the time. I still get all gooey inside when Monica and Chandler get married, and when Ross and Rachel have their baby.
Jilly: I hope you guys enjoyed
our list. Don’t judge Caroline too much about her nerdy Battlestar
Galactica fetish.
Caroline: Hey! I’ll stand by
my shows. *laughs* Are you embarrassed about your Law and Order
Jilly: Not in the least. *laughs
and rolls her eyes*
Thanks again for having us today
Andrea!!! Tell me you guys, what are your favorite shows? did any of
yours make the list?
About the author:
Jessica Gibson is a recovering bookaholic, she's down from four books a week to a more reasonable one. It was that love of words and creativity that made her dream about writing her first book. That dream was hidden for years, always put on the back burner, filed away in the "someday" section, until her husband Matt gave her the kick in the pants she needed to actually get off her butt and write.Jessica and Matt live in Southern California and have a serious addiction to reality tv shows like Pawn Stars and American Restoration. They have one son and hope to add to the family in the near future.
Aside from writing, she runs an online event planning business called the Release Day Diva. In addition to novels, Jessica writes and maintains the blog Book on the Bright Side. Keep up with Jessica and her latest releases and events on her blog.
Book Blog :
Twitter: @jessicajgibson
Book Blog :
Twitter: @jessicajgibson

Author: Jessica Gibson
Genre: Paranormal Romance
After the events of Mark of the Witch, Jilly at last begins to breathe easier though her powers are still growing. But can she harness them in time to confront a new chain of events that threatens to change everything?
Caroline has finally accepted her life as a witch, but when a stranger comes into her life she's forced to question her family loyalty.
The sisters are thrown together to protect a young girl from the enemy determined to hunt her down. Can they save her -- and themselves?
Read an excerpt:
Jilly opened her eyes and found herself in a dark forest filled with fog. She stood still, looking around her for any clues to where she was. She heard voices in the distance and saw the flickering light of a fire. She made her way silently through the night towards the voices. She stopped about ten yards from where the people stood and got down on the ground so she could inch closer without being seen. She finally reached a point where she could see but not be seen; and stopped, hiding behind a large bush. The leaves scratched at her skin. It was two men talking. One of them was Patrick and the other was a tall blonde man she had never seen before.
“When will we have the girl?” the man asked.
“I’m working on it, Drew. It’s trickier than it should be. My first priority is finding Sabine, right now. We can worry about the girl after that. I need you to work on that. It’s your assignment while you’re in Boston.” Drew nodded and melted into the darkness behind him.
“You may as well come out, Jillian. I know you’re there,” Patrick said dryly. Jilly got up slowly and brushed off her pants as she made her way over to Patrick. “You’re awfully brave to be out here alone in the night.”
Jilly shrugged. “I guess, or crazy. Either way I’m here.”
Patrick laughed. “You know, I think we could be friends if you weren’t with my saint of a brother.”
“Do you want to tell me who that guy was?” Jilly asked.
“Not really,” Patrick shot back.
“Ok, how about the girl?”
“What girl do you mean, Jillian? I know many girls.”
“Don’t be cute, Patrick. It doesn’t suit you. What girl were you talking about?”
He sneered at her. “Now why would I tell you that, Jillian? That would ruin all of my fun. I need to run, and you really should wake up.” He shoved her and Jilly felt herself being sucked backwards. She opened her eyes and she was back in bed. After letting the shock of the experience wear off, she rolled over toward William.
Thanks for having me today!!! Love it when I get to be on a friend's blog!!